Sure, the Internet may not be entirely reliable. Some may believe reading personal finance articles is more of a recipe for disaster than something fruitful with positive outcomes. But, hey, let’s give a little bit more credit. There are so many fantastic articles written by experts and talented people. Some of them are so comprehensive that they’re all you’ll need to take a stance and shake up your lifestyle. Well, we’ve decided to gather all the articles that do just that, but with personal financing and all its various troubles.
Top 6 Personal Finance Articles
#1 How to Quit Spending More Money than You Make
By: Seed Time
Just as the title so concisely spells out, this article is destined for everyone who has trouble putting an end to their terrible spending habits. Whether you’re just a compulsive buyer or it’s the circumstances forcing you to be bound to this lifestyle, you can change this.
Read the article here.
#2 The Sharing Economy: 200+ Ways to Make Extra Money in Your Spare Time
By: Side Hustle Nation
Obviously, you can’t limit personal financing to just the way you spend your money. How you acquire the money is equally (if not more) important. Well, for all of you in shortage of money, there could be at least one cash earner for you on this list.
Read the article here.
#3 How to Spend Money Wisely
By: PT Money
Compared to the first recommended article, this one focuses on every single kind of spending you need to do. Reading it will give you a better perspective, helping you to take money out of your wallet for things that really matter.
Read the article here.
#4 How to Save Money : 75 Super Easy Ways to Save Money
By: Good Financial Cents
If only spending less money while shopping was all you needed to do in order to keep your bank balance in the positives. This article amassed a bunch of methods through which you can keep adding money to the piggybank.
Read the article here.
#5 Which Student Loan Should You Pay First?
By: Saving with Spunk
Sadly, a good portion of the population of the world lives in debt. Student loans are some of the trickiest forms of debt too. Thankfully, this article focuses on explaining how to prioritize your student loans in a budget-friendly way.
Read the article here.
#6 Why I Don’t Use Credit Cards
By: Hope and Cents
Prevention is the best solution, we say. This is why you should totally give this article a read if you’re considering binding yourself to the debt that comes with credit cards. Who knows? Maybe you will make the right shot and end up saving yourself from a lifetime of financial hassles.
Read the article here.
Bottom Line
And that was our master list of personal finance articles which you should add to your queue ASAP. They encompass a little bit of everything – saving money, making money and how to avoid losing money. Have a good read and have a lot of luck putting the advice to practice.